Promised Moments - solo show

One Paved Court

28th Sep - 16th Oct 22

Like shared memories, there is a point where films feel so familiar we might almost have lived them. In many ways they have shaped our lives as we hope to live them. These are moments in life that feel like we have all been promised. They feel familiar, resonant and important, yet intangible and ephemeral. They feel like a promise, because there is that expectation of experiences that will make sense of our trajectories. Promised, because they make life worthwhile and are part of a human condition, without which our lives feel poorer. Yet, the promise is just that, something to search for, something on the horizon. Films by directors like Terence Mallick and David Lynch have the ability to feel real with their shimmering light, but paintings too can feel alive and part of our shared stories.

Around the gallery, I placed small film stills from some of the films that were the inspiration for the paintings and helped drive the concept for the show. I was interesting to find that some of the visitors didn’t see them and some did. That seemed fine. For those that did notice them, they were a prompt for conversation and discussion of ideas.


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